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Seslerio autumnalis–Quercetum pubescentis Zupančič 1999


Združbo puhastega hrasta in jesenske vilovine najdemo na gričevnatem flišnem svetu na nadmorskih višinah 300 do 500 m v submediteranskem delu Slovenije. Pobočja so gladka, srednje strmih nagibov (10°–25°), redki pa so večji nagibi. Tu in tam so v pobočja vrezani hudourniški jarki in udori ob vodotokih. Klima je submediteranska s toplimi poletji in milimi zimami. Povprečna letna temperatura zraka je med 12° in 14o C. Letno pade med 1000 in 1200 mm padavin, od tega polovico v vegetacijski dobi. Sneg pade le redko in obleži le krajši čas. Geološka podlaga sta srednjeeocenski lapor in terciarni fliš. Tla so sprsteninasta rendzina na karbonatnem flišu.

Diagnostična kombinacija rastlinskih vrst
Drevesna plast:
puhasti hrast (Quercus pubescens).
Grmovna plast: Crataegus monogyna, Fraxinus ornus, Juniperus communis, Ligustrum vulgare, Quercus pubescens.
Zeliščna plast: Asparagus acutifolius, Brachypodium rupestre, Carex flacca, Chrysopogon gryllus, Dactylis glomerata, Dorycnium herbacium, Melittis melissophyllum, Sesleria autumnalis, Teucrium chamaedrys, Trifolium rubens, Viola hirta.

To je nizki gozd ali grmišče, kjer drevesna plast večinoma ne presega višine osmih metrov, pogosto pa je še nižja. Premeri drevja niso veliki in so med 10 in 20 cm, redkeje so večji.

To je slab gospodarski gozd, vendar ima precejšnjo varovalno vlogo, saj ščiti tla pred erozijo in krajino pred ujmami.

Združbo puhastega hrasta in jesenske vilovine uvrščamo v zvezo Ostryo-Carpinion orientalis.


The Seslerio autumnalis–Quercetum pubescentis is found on hilly flysch bedrock at an altitude of 300 to 500 meters in the submediterranean part of Slovenia. The smooth slopes have medium steep inclinations (10o –25o ) with occasional steeper inclinations. Here and there, the slopes are cut by torrents and landslides along the watercourses. A submediterranean climate with hot summers and gentle winters predominates. The average annual temperature is between 12o C and 14o C. Annual rainfall amounts to 1,000 to 1,200 mm, half of it occurring during the vegetation period. Snow falls rarely and remains only a short time. The geological material consists of medium Eocene marl and tertiary flysch. The rendzic soil consists of Leptosols on calcareous flysch with mull humus.

Diagnostic combination of plant species
Tree layer:
Quercus pubescens.
Shrub layer:
Crataegus monogyna, Fraxinus ornus, Juniperus communis, Ligustrum vulgare, Quercus pubescens.
Herb layer:
Asparagus acutifolius, Brachypodium rupestre, Carex flacca, Chrysopogon gryllus, Dactylis glomerata, Dorycnium herbacium, Melittis melissophyllum, Sesleria autumnalis, Teucrium chamaedrys, Trifolium rubens, Viola hirta.

The low forest or shrub has a tree layer not exceeding eight meters and is very often even lower. The tree diameters are not significant and are rarely larger than 10–20 cm.

This is a poorly managed forest; however, it assumes an important protective role since it protects the soils against erosion and the landscape against the rigours of the weather.

The Seslerio autumnalis–Quercetum pubescentis is classified in the alliance Ostryo–Carpinion orientalis.


Poldini L. 1989: La vegetatione del Carso isontino e triestino. Ed. Lint, Trieste, 313 s.
Zupančič M. 1999: Novosti o gozdno-grmiščni vegetaciji slovenskega submediterana. Razprave IV. razreda SAZU 40: 195–313.


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