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Salicetum albae Issler 1926


V kulturni krajini je pojavljanje združbe bele vrbe omejeno na majhne površine ob vodotokih. Združba se razvije pod neposrednim vplivom vodotoka, tik nad njegovim srednjim vodostajem, in je pogosto poplavljena. Tla so nerazvita, brez horizontov. V talnem profilu ločimo le plasti sedimentacije. Kljub veliki količini organskih ostankov (listja in odmrlih delov rastlin) je humusa malo, saj ga vsako leto prekrijejo rečni sedimenti, zato je razkroj otežen.

Diagnostična kombinacija rastlinskih vrst
Drevesna plast:
bela vrba (Salix alba).
Grmovna plast: Euonymus europaea.
Zeliščna plast: Calystegia sepium, Echinocystis lobata, Galium aparine, Glechoma hederacea, Lamium maculatum, Phalaris arundinacea, Rubus caesius, Urtica dioica.

Združba bele vrbe ima eno samo drevesno plast, v kateri prevladuje bela vrba, ki se ji z manjšo stalnostjo pridružuje tudi krhka vrba (Salix fragilis). Drevesna plast doseže do 25 m višine, navadno pa so sestoji visoki od 15 do 20 m. Sestoje bele vrbe kmetje občasno posekajo in nasadijo nove zaradi utrditve obrežja. Gospodarski pomen združbe je majhen, pomembna pa je njena krajinska vloga.

Združbo bele vrbe uvrščamo v zvezo Salicion albae.


In the cultural landscape, the occurrence of the association of white willow (Salix alba) has been reduced to small areas along watercourses. These communities develop under the direct influence of the watercourse immediately above its medium water level. The area is frequently flooded. Only sedimentation layers are encountered in undeveloped soils and parent material. In spite of a great quantity of organic remains (leaves and withered parts of plants), there is not much humus because the organic remains are covered by river sediment every year. Consequently, decay is rendered very difficult.

Diagnostic combination of plant species
Tree layer:
Salix alba.
Shrub layer: Euonymus europea.
Herb layer: Calystegia sepium, Echinocystis lobata, Galium aparine, Glechoma hederacea, Lamium maculatum, Phalaris arundinacea, Rubus caesius, Urtica dioica.

The association of white willow has only one tree layer in which white willow dominates, joined by crack-willow (Salix fragilis) with a lower constancy. The tree layer is up to 25 meters high while the tree stands are usually 15 to 20 meters high. From time to time, the stands of white willow are cut by farmers. They are replaced by new ones for the compaction of riverbanks. The economic importance of the association is minor; however, its an important element in the landscape.

The Salicetum albae is classified in the alliance Salicion albae.


Šilc U. 2000: Združbe vrb (Salicetea purpureae, Alnetea glutinosae) ob Krki in Mirni. Magistrsko delo. Oddelek za biologijo, Biotehniška fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani. 162 s.


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